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We again met at the Sherwood Country Club, Thousand Oaks, CA., for a very festive Christmas Holiday Luncheon featuring our Beacon of Light Awardees, radio host, author, and attorney Larry Elder, Freedom Award, and entrepreneur, scientist Natasha Trenev, Humanitarian Award. District Attorney Gregory Totten stepped in as Master of Ceremonies. The annual Dove Release for Peace on the Terrace followed a very pleasant, joyous reception in the Conservatory when members were able to meet our awardees.

Larry Elder is one of the longest running radio hosts in the country with a daily national program from 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M, Monday to Friday, heard locally on Salem Broadcasting KRLA 870 AM. The 'Sage of South Central' shines the bright light of reasoned analysis on many myths and hypocrisies apparent in our government. His thoughtful insights using logic, facts, common sense make him one of the most in demand radio personalities and cable news pundits in the country.

Natasha Trenev, known as the Mother of Probiotics, escaped from communism at 8 years old with her family, to the U. S. with very little money, lived in a $10.00 room, the father working at menial jobs was able to scrape and save to start a yogurt company. Natasha attended U.C.L.A., studied science, worked with her father, and after years of study and experimentation established with her husband Yordan, Natren, Inc., an international supplier of probiotic products based in Westlake Village, CA. She lectures around the globe to medical groups, general public, has authored many books and articles on healthy living and is creating with Yordan,s a legacy for healthy generations to come, certainly a humanitarian. Natalia Staneva, Executive Director of the New West Symphony, provided a beautiful musical interlude.

Dr. Gary Allen Dicky played his pipes leading all on to the terrace and then to the dining room where we toasted President Donald J. Trump. Our members and guests participated in our annual collection for the Teenage girls at Maryvale Residence.

Larry Elder and Natasha Trenev - Display

Larry Elder and Natasha Trenev Display Board




Larry Elder

Larry Elder

Natasha Trenev

Natasha Trenev

September 11, 2017

On Monday, September 11, 2017 the Thousand Oaks Republican Women were extremely proud to partner again with the Walter and Leonore Annenberg Presidential Library at the Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, CA. under the direction of Director Anthony Pennay in presenting Professor Gordon Lloyd, Ph.D's program on "OUR CONSTITUTION" to celebrate the 230 anniversary of the U. S. Constitution. Dr. Lloyd's topic "The Lost Art of Compromise" was presented in conjunction with his well regarded web site: TeachingAmericanHistory, which he presents to teachers and students around the country. Over 165 junior high, high school and university students, teachers and interested adults attended his excellent talk after an elegant 5:30 P.M. reception in the Rose Garden followed by the program in the Reagan Intro Theater. The students were especially attentive and interested as evidenced by their excellent question and answer period. Many remarked they would welcome a repeat program next year. Dr. Lloyd is presently professor at Pepperdine University School of Public Policy, where he has taught for 20 years, and is a Senior Fellow at the Ashbrook center, Ashland University, Ashland Ohio. Every attendee received an autographed copy of his latest book, American Founding, Core Documents , published in 2017, Ashbrook Center, Ashland, Ohio, courtesy of the Ashbrook Center. Prior to the event Cav. Rosemary Licata arranged a radio interview for Dr. Lloyd and Anthony Pennay with Larry Marino, on Sunday Morning Newsmakers , KRLA 870 AMS Salem Broadcasting, to discuss the Constitution event and the 20 year history of the School of Public Policy, Pepperdine University's mission and opportunities for students whose many graduates have made a difference in the country and the world. sky

Anthony Pennay, Rosemary Licata, Beatrice Restifo


Professor Gordon Lloyd Rosemary Licata

June 17, 2017
"Honoring Heroes of World War 2"
We were honored to have Michael Reagan, the son of President Ronald Reagan attend and talk about and sign his latest book, "Lessons My Father Taught Me" He and his colleagues, Jay Hoffman and Doug Stebleton discussed and showed their recent film "HEROES OF WORLD WAR 2" Several World War 2 heroes from the Normandy Invasion and the South Pacific area were hosted and interviewed. See Honoring Heroes of World War 2.


Michael Reagan singing his latest book, "Lessons My Father Taught Me"


Pledge of Allegiance


Michael Reagan at the microphone


Jay Hoffman, Beatrice Restifo, Rosemary Licaa, and Doug Stebleton


Shannon O'Shea and hero, Elmo Maiden

December 8, 2016
Sherwood Country club was this annual event. Annual Dove Release for Peace on Terrace Ventura County District Attorney, Master of Ceremonies Americanism Award - Andrew Coffin, V.P.Young Americas Foundation Director of the Reagan Ranch Center. Freedom Award - JoAnne Drake, Chief Administrative Officer, Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. She served President Reagan and Mrs. Reagan, planned their travels, etc. during and after the president's term ended.
See article "Christmas Holiday Gala" on page 6 of Winter Newsletter.


Joanne Drake, Greg Totten, Andrew Coffin


Joanne Drake, Americanism awardee, Andrew Coffin, Humanitarian Awardee release doves


Rosemary Licata, 1st V.P Programs, Humanitarian Awardee Andrew Coffin, Michael Reagan Award presenter


Bagpiper Rev. Dr. Gary Alan Dickey


Beatrice Restifo, President


Tom Bolger, Dove man releases 50 doves


Guests on Sherwood Country Club Terrace


May 2016 BUSINESS WOMEN FOR TRUMP Noel Irwin Hentschel organized a special meeting of one hundred selected business women at the Anaheim Convention Center to meet candidate DONALD J. TRUMP. After going through many phases of security, we waited excitedly for his arrival. When he came into the meeting room with numerous secret service men behind him,with 100 women in attendance the room erupted in smiles and joyous greeting for him. He was gracious, gentlemanly and appeared much younger and handsome than his photos. after the meeting we were escorted to the Anaheim Arena where he held a rally. The audience was diverse, but many young people. He remained after his rousing talk a long time for autographs and talking with he people.

Photo Rosemary Licata & Mr. Trump Our group-Beatrice Restifo, Wendy Patillo, Gina Conti, Rosemary Licata

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NFRW CARRIE ALMOND traveled the nation in "ROSIE" a converted bus over 30,000 miles to all corners of our country helping to get out the vote and get people to support our the Republican Candidates. Some of our local Republican women met "ROSIE" when she visited in Studio City. Carrie and her poodle were there bright and cheery. The entire side of the bus has signatures from people who greeted her. She even attended the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Great going Carrie and NFRW Women.


October 2016

"FROM MAO TO REAGAN" John Duffy, noted film maker related his extraordinary life's story of growing up in the South Bronx, N.Y. in a tough neighborhood, falling into Communist leaning groups where he eventually became a leader bringing American young people to the Peoples Republic of China to meet Chairman Mao and other Communist leaders. He eventually discovered that conservative ideas and principles were what made our country great. He now uses his film making to uphold Reagan principles, support our military. his DVD on our Flag is heartwarming. Dr. Michael Shires, Pepperdine School of Public Policy Professor, gave election and Clifornia BAllot information

Photo #! l-r Sigrid Weidenweber, Rosemary Licata, John Duffy, Beatrice Restifo
#2l-r Ann Shires, Rosemary Licata, Michaeel Shire, Ph.D. Beatrice Restifo

sky sky


CARING FOR AMERICA We again participated in the annual STRIDES FOR BREAST CANCER Our team SWEET WALKING WOMEN were top money raisers while having fun for a worthy cause.


sky sky

September 2016

"OUR CONSTITUTION" Dr. Gordon Lloyd again presented his program on "OUR CONSITUTION" to high school, college students and teachers, and members in partnership with Anthony Pennay, Director, Leonore and Walter Annenberg Presidential Learning Center at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley. The students and teachers attended a special reception in the Courtyard before the lecture. Dr. Lloyd formerly taught at the School of Public Policy, Pepperdine University and now teaches teachers at universities around the country.

PHOTO l-r Beatrice Restifo, Dr. Gordon Lloyd, Rosemary Licata, Anthony Pannay



TORWF was privileged to have the California Director of the Donald J. Trump Campaign TIM CLARK as our keynote speaker who gave inside information on the presidential campaign. NOEL IRWIN HENTCSHEL, leader of "Business Women for Trump" spoke on the effort business women were promoting to assist in electing Mr. Trump. Ventura County Clerk/Registrar of voters MARL LUNN gave an inside view of the election process and cautionary information on voter fraud. This was an exciting evening at the North Ranch Country Club where many attended from outside our area. Our senior high school Charlotte Mousel winner Alexander Sefayan read his essay bringing tears to the eyes of many for his of his family leaving a communist country and made a wonderful life in the United States of America.

Photo #1 Alexander Sefayan, Beatrice Restifo, Noel Irwin Hentschel, Tim Clark, Rosemary Licata, Mark Lunn, Rafael Dagnesses

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August 16, 2015, Westlake Village Inn



July 25, 2015 Performance of Oklahoma



February 27, 2014 Gala for Peace Event

Thousand Oaks Mayor Andrew P. Fox and Shibei Mayor Jie Zhang at the Gala Luncheon for Peace to commemorate Thousand Oaks & Shibei District, Qingdao, Peoples Republic Of China Sister City signing, Sherwood Country Club.
